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Operation manual for pipeline connection of frequency conversion water supply equipment


Operation manual for pipeline connection of frequency conversion water supply equipment


One, win the negative pressure water supply equipment docking operation example
1, the equipment for the inlet and outlet flange, the municipal water inlet pipe and main pipe underground are also used to facilitate the flange, flange to flange connection.
2, water: non negative pressure water supply equipment inlet at non negative pressure steady flow tank, so in the docking, docking to the municipal network over the non negative pressure steady flow tank flange can be.
3, water: the main pipe flange butt joint equipment outlet flange can be.



Two, win the frequency constant pressure water supply equipment docking operation
1, the equipment into the water: stainless steel water tank or self built pool of water outlet flange butt frequency conversion constant pressure water supply equipment inlet flange.
2, equipment water: constant pressure equipment outlet flange butt cell pipeline blue method.







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