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Stainless steel tank

Update:2017/2/24      View:
  • Class: Water supply or drainage equipment
  • Specification:   Stainless steel tank
  • Brand:   ZHONGYING
  • Brief:   
  • qq咨詢  留言咨詢  400電話
Sahre to:
    Square stainless steel water tank is a new generation of water tank after the glass fiber reinforced plastic water tank, square stainless steel water tank with SUS304 stainless steel plate Seiko molding, beautiful, economical and practical, the main body for a long time is not bad. Compared with other stainless steel water tank water tank has the advantages of light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, clean water, seepage, seismic, never moss water, no two pollution, convenient installation, no maintenance, the advantages of easy cleaning etc.. Uniform distribution of stainless steel inside the box so that all parts of the pressure evenly reasonable, with high strength, anti earthquake, anti cracking, the service life is more than 10 times the other material tank.


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